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Резина кама r14 зимняя: Зимняя резина Кама 14 — купить оптом и в розницу

Kama 175 65 R14 Автомобильные зимние шины – Сравните цены и купите дешевые автомобильные зимние шины Kama онлайн в Ирландии

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404 км/ч

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Default rolling resistance and wear are smaller, resulting in a greater lifespan, comfort and increased stability. Choose now from our offer your summer tyres at an affordable price. Our portfolio includes a wide range of tyre brands</div> </div> </div>» data-tooltip-wi=»<div class="tooltip-season-wi tooltip-blue-content tooltip-main-search"> <div class="tooltip-blue-content-title"> <div class="tooltip-title-winter-tires"> Winter tyres — for a save driving on snow and ice.</div> </div> <div> <div class="tooltip-content-winter-tires"> The "M + S" (or M & S, MS) marking can currently be found on winter and all season tyres. Besides this marking, a snowflake symbol can be found on some models. The M + S tyres that have the snowflake symbol meet the higher quality standards. Since 2011, winter tyres are mandatory in Ireland. Having a special blend of rubber that resists to low temperatures, these tyres are more adapted to winter conditions than the summer tyres. Therefore, the car will have a good grip even dealing with low temperatures. The optimised profile reduces the risk of hydroplaning and provides a good grip in snowy and icy conditions. The larger grooves and the additional blades improve stability when switching from snow to wet and to dry road conditions. We have winter tyres suitable for your car. Choose your favorite brand and place an order online in order to take advantage of our competitive prices!</div> </div> </div>» data-tooltip-gan=»<div class="tooltip-season-gan tooltip-blue-content tooltip-main-search"> <div class="tooltip-blue-content-title"> <div class="tooltip-title-allseason-tires"> All season tyres — suitable for all weather conditions</div> </div> <div> <div class="tooltip-content-allseason-tires"> All-season tyres are the perfect combination between summer and winter tyres. All-season tyres impress by their good driving qualities regardless the weather conditions and the road. The specially developed profile of all-season tyres ensures a comfortable drive throughout the whole year. All-season tyres were specifically designed for all weather conditions thus eliminating the need to change the tyres depending on the season. Discover the new alternative to summer and winter tyres: the all-season tyres. We have a wide offer from leading manufacturers at top prices! The all-season tyres designed for winter conditions need to have the "M + S" marking (or M & S, MS). Some models may also have the snowflake symbol. M + S tyres with snowflake symbol meet the higher quality standards.</div> </div> </div>» data-hint=»1″ data-sticky=»false»/>

Размер шин:

H78 4,00/4,50 4,40/4,50 4,50 4,75/5,00 4,75/5,25 4,80 5. 00 5.20 5.25/6.00 5,50 5.50/6.00 5,90 6.00 6.00/6.50 6.40 6.40/7.00 6.50/7.00 6,70 7.00 7,25 15/16 17 115 125 130 130/140 135 145 150/160 155 165 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 235 240 245 255 265 270 275 285 295 305 315 325 335 345 355 525 550 640 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 15 16 17 19 The graphic shows how to read properties and dimensions of the tyre:</span></div> <div class="tooltip-image-tire-dimension"> <div class="tooltip-image-tire-dimension-container"> <img class="tooltip-image-resize-mobile" style="width: 100%" src="//ssl.delti.com/simg/size_help_EN.gif"> </div> </div> </div> </div>» data-hint=»1″ data-sticky=»false»/>

Индекс скорости:

Все Н: до 210 км/ч V: до 240 км/ч ZR,W,Y: до более 240 км/ч